Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Grilled Pizza

We grilled our pizza tonight and it was AWESOME!

I used THIS same dough recipe I always use except I did 1.5C whole wheat flour and 1C white flour.

We brushed EVOO on the corn and salt and pepper, grilled it, and topped our pizza with it and some salad greens.
Seriously one of the best meals EVER! and so simple!.

After you roll your dough out as thin as you like, brush one side with EVOO and place it greased side down on a 400 degree grill, then brush EVOO on the top side. Close lid for a minute then check the underside. Once it has some nice grill marks and is golden brown flip the dough over and immedietely top with toppings, less is always more! This was a last minute meal for us so all we had was cheese. Monterey jack, grated mozzerella cheese stick :), and cheddar. Once the underside is done remove from heat and ENJOY! If your toppings aren't done when your crust is, turn off the direct heat and let the surrounding fire finish it off. Grilled corn is highly recommended!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds really yummy! I wouldn't have thought to grill pizza.
